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REVISION 8/1/2024

The Dixie Youth Baseball rules will apply except as altered by the following additions and exceptions

MJ 1. Game Times and Scoring
A. A team can score a maximum of seven (7) runs per inning through the 5th
inning. In the 6th and only the 6th inning, ten (10) runs will be allowed.
B. Insurmountable lead rules in effect (Game should end if and when a win or tie is impossible.)
C. 6 inning games

D. Game may end in a tie and need not be completed unless League standing is impacted.

E. Incomplete games (less than 4 innings) need not be resumed unless League standing is impacted.

F. “O” Zone” rules will apply i.e.
· Major will play open bases. Stealing is permitted
· Infield Fly will apply
· Balk will be called. Warning for first balk. All others enforced
o Immediate dead ball
o Runner(s) awarded one (1) base.

MJ 2 Faceguards are not mandatory [DYB Rule 1.16(d)]

MJ 3 Headfirst slide
· not allowed (with or without face mask/C-Flap) when player is advancing to a base
o Runner will be out, ball is live and other runners may advance
· allowed (with or without face mask/C-Flap) when player is returning to a base
MJ 4 All bats are permitted regardless of barrel size or stamp.

MJ 5 Each team to provide their own baseballs. (1 per game minimum per team)

MJ 6 Courtesy runner for Catcher of Record at any time other than in the 6th inning.
· Last batted out will be runner.
· In case of no out in the 1st inning, the last batter in the order will be the runner.

MJ 7 No fake bunt and then swing away.
· Contact is not necessary.
· The batter is out, ball is dead and runners cannot advance.

MJ 8 Free defensive substitutions are permitted provided that minimum play requirements, determined by each team’s Local Association, are met.

MJ 9 All players who are eligible to participate shall be placed in the batting order and bat consecutively in that order.

MJ 10 If a team starts play with eight (8) players, an automatic out will be taken for the ninth (9th) position in the batting order for every cycle through the batting order. (No penalty of an out, if loss during the game is due to injury/sickness). At the discretion of the team Manager; if a player arrives late for the game, that player may enter the game and be inserted at the end of the batting order, unless the batting lineup has been established by batting through once.

MJ 11 A team warning for "slinging the bat" will be issued for the 1st offense. Each team player will be called out on any subsequent occurrence.

MJ 12 Replacement Players Will be allowed during Regular Season but not Post Season Tournament play, when your team falls below nine (9) players.

A. Replacement player(s) can be from another Rec. team from your Association of same or lower Level
B. If only one (1) team in your Association, replacement player(s) can be from another Rec. team of same Level in your League
C. The added player(s) must bat last, play in the outfield and will not be allowed to pitch.

MJ 13 There will be a limit of one (1) intentional walk allowed per team, per game. The head coach should inform the umpire of his intent to intentionally walk the batter. The pitcher will not be required to throw four (4) balls.

MJ 14 Repeated attempts by an offensive coach playing "chicken" or "taunting" between a 3rd base runner and opposing pitcher or catcher will be considered a delay of game tactic. The result will be their team being charged with 1 additional out. The Umpire may use a taunting warning.

MJ 15 Pitch Count Rules
A pitcher may throw no more than seventy (70) pitches per day and no more than one hundred (100) pitchers per calendar week. A pitching week is considered Sunday 12:00 am thru Saturday 11:59 pm. weekly pitches are reset at that point but the daily pitch count rest chart overrides the change of week ((Example) if a player pitches 60 pitches on Saturday their next available day would be Tuesday due to the 2 days of rest on daily rest chart). A pitcher will be allowed to finish the batter they are facing when they hit their limit. The following pitch counts and days’ rest will be enforced:
If a player pitches 60 or more pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed.
If a player pitches 45 – 59 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar day of rest must be observed.
If a player pitches 1 – 44 pitches in a day, no calendar day of rest is required before pitching 
- A pitcher who delivers 45 or more pitches in a game cannot play the position of catcher for the remainder of that game.
MN16 Mound Visits- Coaches are allowed ONE mound visit PER pitcher PER inning. The second visit will require the pitcher being removed from play.

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