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TBALL (6u)

The T-ball league is designed to reinforce and/or introduce the basic fundamental concepts of youth baseball in a friendly environment while beginning to introduce the concept of competition. Typically, each team has 10 - 12 players. All team members will hit and a maximum of 10 players will be in the field. An average of 2-3 events (games, practices) per week can be expected (typically, fewer events during fall seasons). Games are played on weekdays and weekends during the Spring and Fall season.


Players are assigned to teams through a draft process after evaluations are held. 


Basic League Rules:
- A maximum of 10 players are on the field during an inning.
- An inning is completed after 3 outs or when a team scores 5 runs.

- Games typically last 1 hour 15 minutes.


This is a transitional and educational league from Pre-t. All players will receive at least 3 coach pitched ball prior to receiving the batting tee. They may also choose to receive 5 coach pitched balls without the batting tee. Half way through spring season, coaches will select 5 players to receive only coach pitched balls without the batting tee. 

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